Remote/Push Notification in iOS Simulator — In 10 Easy Steps

Imad Ali Mohammad
3 min readJan 13, 2022


Awesome! Now you can test remote notifications in Simulator by using Xcode 11.4 or later & iOS 13.4 or later. You can add Remote Notifications to iOS Simulator in 10 easy steps.

I’m excited to start this, Let’s quickly dive in…

  1. Open Xcode — Create a new iOS app as shown.
Xcode — new project

2. Choose the product name, ‘PushNotificationTest’ or your own name, also interface as ‘Storyboard’ & language as ‘Swift’ as shown.

Xcode — Product-name

3. Select project & targets, tap on ‘Signing & capabilities’ then + Capability, filter results by typing ‘background’ and add Background Modes as shown.

Capability — Background Modes

4. Enable Remote Notifications in Background Modes.

Background Modes — enable Remote Notifications

Let’s start writing the code:

5. In AppDelegate, import UserNotifications & also add protocol UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate.

import UserNotifications

6. Add the method, registerForPushNotifications() as shown.

Xcode — Register push notifications

7. Run the app, you’d asked for permission of notifications, tap to allow it.

iOS Simulator — Notification Permission

8. # PayLoad — Each notification your provider server sends to the Apple Push Notification service (APNs) includes a payload. You can consult Apple documentation here. Create a new TextEdit and add the following JSON and make sure you edit the bundle identifier as shown:

Note: You can add your app bundle identifier into the key: “Simulator Target Bundle”

Here is an example:

Payload JSON Example

9. Save it to your local machine — any name you want and remember the location, we are going to need this throughout the course of testing. I save it as payload.apns

10. Drag and drop the payload.apns on to your Simulator where your app is installed as shown:

Drag and drop payload file to the simulator
iOS Simulator — Push Notification

Hurrah! There you go, you can see the awesome notification on iOS Simulator which helps debug your app instead of depending on the iOS Device for testing.



Imad Ali Mohammad
Imad Ali Mohammad

Written by Imad Ali Mohammad

Senior iOS Engineer, Passionate about coding and building amazing apps.

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